Archives of Nethys

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Calecor Skull-Globe

Source Alien Archive 2 pg. 25
Level 17; Price 250,000; Bulk 1


This crystalline globe is bonded to a planet and constantly changes to reflect a real-time image of that world. Touching the globe allows you to use clairaudience/clairvoyance at a location of your choice on that planet, regardless of range and lasting as long as you concentrate. You don’t need to have prior knowledge of the location—you just zoom in on the desired point from the global view. Additionally, once per week, the globe allows you to use interplanetary teleport to transport yourself and other willing creatures touching the globe to the location you’re currently observing using the globe’s clairaudience/clairvoyance effect. If you are currently on a different plane, this teleportation shifts you back to the Material Plane, as well. A calecor skull-globe’s planetary bond can’t be changed to a new planet.